Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fukushima: Greatest Public Health Hazard our World has ever Witnessed...Yet!

While the global elite have UN-leashed a new theater of nuclear war in North Africa, with our world currently facing it's greatest public health hazard yet from the ongoing meltdown of Japan's Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima one has to wonder about the timing of the UN Coalition's Operation Odyssey Dawn's Tomahawk Crusade against Moammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya.

Fukushima: Greatest Public Health Hazard our World has ever Witnessed...Yet.

Daniyel Key
Survival Key Info
April 24, 2011

Chernobyl 25 Years Later: Massive amounts of radiation are still
leaking  from cracks due to exposure to the weather in the original
concrete sarcophagus. Nearby lands are still a "Dead Zone"
Monday April 25, 2011 marks the unhappy 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant meltdown. With it's legacy of nearly one million cancer related deaths thusfar Chernobyl had previously been the world's worst nuclear power meltdown disaster. Since radioactive contamination is invisible the former Soviet Union tried to keep the massive explosion of the Chernobyl reactor vessel a secret until unusual levels of radiation were detected by monitors outside another Nuclear Power plant in Sweden nearly 600 miles north of Chernobyl a few days later. The Swedish Nuclear engineers soon realized that their facility was not responsible for the leak of radiation, they asked their meteorologists which way the winds had been blowing from and as a result they blew the whistle on Chernobyl.  

Update Sunday May 8th, new fire at Fukushima Daiichi Reactors is kept out of main stream media reports:

Today with radiation readings within the four stricken reactors at Fukushima Dai-Ichi rising to their highest since this current crisis began it continues to be clearer, and clearer with each passing day that Japan, and indeed our entire planet is continuing to bungle the worst nuclear power crisis in history. Within just a matter of days of Japan's devastating March 11th earthquake/tsunami/radiation crisis it became all too obvious that TEPCO,  the Japanese Government, and even the international media were attempting to literally flush the invisible radiation out to sea. All of this went on without even a peep out of the United Nations, despite the entangling provisions of the Law Of the Sea Treaty (LOST) an international power grab whereby the U.N. claims the ability to fine any nation found to be intentionally polluting the Ocean waters.

Meanwhile U.S. citizens are blissfully unaware for the most part that levels of radiation higher than EPA maximums have already been detected in recent milk, and water samples. now with multiple reports that radiation levels coming from Fukushima are far more significant than what we are being told it is abundantly clear that the true scope of the Fukushima disaster has been greatly downplayed by both the Japanese and U.S. governments.

Radioactive Iodine has now been detected in the
Breastmilk of Mothers of Newborns in Japan
Now with recent reports of Radioactive Iodine being found in the breast milk of Japanese Mothers, perhaps the next round of victims of this ongoing nuclear crisis after "the Fukushima Fifty" may well be the youth of Northeast Honshu Island. 
However with reports pouring in of increasing levels of radiation in both the sea waters, as well as in fish samples taken off of Japan's Northeast coast the true extent of ongoing  crisis will be it's devastating effects on sea life in the Northern Pacific. As man is an apex predator, it's only a matter of time before the microscopic plankton, and other tiny sea creatures that have already absorbed radiation at extremely high DNA altering levels will move their way up the food chain to the shrimp, crab, tuna, salmon, and other staples of the Pacific's food chain.

Dr. Michio Kaku, a top notch Harvard graduate,and professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York recently stated: 

“Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all, radiation continues to leak,” says  “We are looking at a ticking timebomb.
It appears stable but the slightest disturbance, a secondary earthquake, a pipe break, evacuation of the crew at Fukishima  could set off a full scale melt down at three nuclear power stations–far beyond what we saw at Chernobyl.”

 Christopher Busby Ph.D:  "Don't Drink the Milk!" 

 Dr. Christopher Busby, a prominent British nuclear radiation, & environmental expert as well as the author of :

On the Biological Effects and Health Risks
following Exposure to Aerosols produced by the use of Depleted Uranium Weapons

was recently asked:
What's your advice for people outside of Japan?

Professor Busby replied:
"I attach my "don't panic" paper. However, since then I have re-thought this advice as the thing is still fissioning and releasing 10 to the fourteen becquerels a day. This will mean that Sr-90 [strontium 90] and Uranium and particulates will be building up in the USA and Europe. I will assess this later but for now I think it prudent to stop drinking milk."

"Nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water." Albert Einstein
Dr. Helen Caldicott has long been sounding the
trumpet warning call of radiations threat to humanity

The video below contains an excerpt from a presentation made by Dr. Helen Caldicott an Australian Pediatrician, author, and co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, who has devoted 38 years to an international campaign to educate the powers that be as well as the public concerning the medical hazards of the nuclear age and it's potential for widespread environmental devastation. During a press conference on "The Dangers of Nuclear War" held in Montreal, Canada on March 18, 2011 just one week after the massive tsunami ravaged the Fukushima Daiichi reactor complex. Dr. Caldicott presented clear evidence that Japan's ongoing nuclear power crisis is already far worse than the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown that researchers now believe has been responsible for nearly one million cancer related deaths thusfar in Europe, and Eurasia.

A transcript of her presentation is posted below this key video.

“First I want to present this. It’s produced by the New York Academy of Sciences and it’s a report on Chernobyl. It can be downloaded. They translated 5,000 articles from Russian, for the first time, into English. It seems that over one million people have already died as a result of Chernobyl, despite what the WHO (World Health Organization) says and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). This is one of the most monstrous cover-ups in the history of medicine. Everybody should know about this.

Then we extrapolate through to Japan. Japan is, by orders of magnitude many times worse than Chernobyl. Never in my life did I think that six nuclear reactors would be at risk. I knew the three GE (General Electric) engineers who helped design these ‘Mach 1′ GE reactors. They resigned because they knew that they were dangerous. So, Japan built them on an earthquake fault.

The reactors partially withstood the earthquake, but the external electricity supply was cut off. The external electricity supply supplies the cooling water – a million gallons per minute to each of those six reactors. Without the cooling water, the water falls and the rods are so hot that they melt like at Three Mile Island and at Chernobyl.

The emergency diesel generators, which are as large as a house, got destroyed by the tsunami. So, there was no way to keep the water circulating in the reactors. Also, on the roofs of reactors, not within the container vessel, are cooling pools. Every year, they remove about 30 tons of the most radioactive rods that you could possibly imagine. Each one is 12 feet long and one-half of an inch thick. It gives off so much radiation, like x-rays, that if you stand next to it for a couple of minutes you’ll die – not drop dead. Remember Litvinenko, the Russian who got poisoned by polonium, you’ll die like that – with your hair falling out, bleeding to death, and dying of massive infection like AIDS patients die. These (rods) are extremely hot. So, they have to be put into a big pool and continually cooled. The pool has really no roof.

There have been three hydrogen explosions blowing off the roof of the building, not the containment vessel of the core, but the roof – and exposing the cooling pool. Two of the cooling pools are dry. They have no water in them, meaning that the nuclear fuel rods are covered with a material called zirconium. When zirconium is exposed to air, it burns. It ignites.

Two of the cooling pools, at this moment, are burning. In the cooling pools are many times, like 10 to 20 times more radiation, than in each reactor core. In each reactor core is as much long-lived radiation as that produced by 1000 Hiroshima-sized bombs. We are dealing with diabolical energy. E=mc2. It’s the energy that blows up nuclear bombs.

Einstein said that nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water, because that is all nuclear power is used for – to boil water through the massive heat, turn it into steam, turn the turbine, which generates electricity.

Just One of the "Bush Babies"  The terrible  legacy
 of Depleted Uranium has affected the  offspring of
 numerous American Soldiers as well as decimating
 an entire generation of Iragi Children.  Woe 2 Duh Bush
 Doctors on Judgment Day! Yet why is DU currently
being used in a "Humanitarian"  intervention in  Libya?

Now you fission uranium, 200 new elements are formed, all of which are much more poisonous to the body than the original uranium – although uranium is pretty poisonous. America used it in Fallujah and Bagdad. In Fallujah, 80% of the babies being born are grossly deformed. They’re being born without brains, single eyes, and no arms. The doctors have told the women to stop having babies. The incidence of childhood cancer has gone up around 12 times. This is genocide. It’s a nuclear war being conducted in Iraq. The uranium that they are using lasts for more than 4.5 billion years. So, we are contaminating the cradle of civilization. The coalition of the willing.
Aerial View of Fukushima Daiichi Reactors 1 thru 4 from right to left, after the initail sequence of explosions
In the nuclear power plants, however, is a huge amount of radiation. Some last seconds, some last millions of years. Radioactive iodine lasts six weeks. It causes thyroid cancer. That’s why people are say that you better take potassium iodide. That blocks the thyroid uptake or radioactive iodine, which later can cause thyroid cancer. In Chernobyl, over 20,000 people have developed thyroid cancer. They have to have their thyroids taken out, and they will die unless they take thyroid replacement every day like a diabetic has to take insulin.

Strontium-90 will get out. It lasts for 600 years. It goes to the bone, where it causes bone cancer or leukemia. Cesium lasts for 600 years. It’s all over Europe. 40% of Europe is still radioactive. Turkish food is still radioactive. Do not buy Turkish dried apricots. Do not buy Turkish hazelnuts. The Turks were so cross with the Russians that they sent all of their radioactive tea over to Russia after Chernobyl.

But, 40% of Europe is still radioactive. Farms in Britain, there farms were so full of Cesium they can’t sell them. Don’t eat European food.

But that’s nothing compared to what’s happening now. One of the most deadly is plutonium, named after Pluto, God of the underworld. One-millionth of a gram, if you inhale it, will give you cancer. Hypothetically, one pound of evenly distributed could give everyone on Earth cancer. Each reactor has 250 kilos of plutonium in it. You only need 2.5 kilograms to make a bomb, because plutonium is what they make bombs with.

So any country that has a reactor, from your uranium, you are the biggest exporters of uranium in the world – Cameco. Canada sells two things. It sells wheat for life and uranium for death.

Plutonium is going to get out and spread all over the northern hemisphere. It’s already heading to North America now, plus radioactive iodine 129. It’s half-life is 17 million years. Plus strontium, plus cesium, plus tritium, and I could go on, and on, and on.

When it rains, down comes the fallout. And, it concentrates in food. If it gets into the sea, the algae concentrate it hundreds of times. Then, the crustaceans concentrate it hundreds of times. Then the little fish, then the big fish, and then us. Because, we stand on the apex of the food chain.

These radioactive elements, you can’t see them and you can’t smell them. They’re silent. When you get them I inside your body, you don’t suddenly drop dead from cancer. It takes five to sixty years to get your cancer. When you feel the cancer in your breast, it doesn’t say that it was made by some strontium-90 that you ate in a piece of fish 20 years ago.

All radiation is damaging. It’s cumulative in each dose that you get adds to your risk of getting cancer. With americium, it’s more dangerous than plutonium. I could go on and on.

It depends if it rains as to whether you are going to get it or not. If it rains and the radiation comes down, then don’t grow food. Don’t eat the food. And, I mean don’t eat it for 600 years.

The radioactive waste from nuclear power is going to be buried, I hear, next to Lake Ontario. It’s going to leak and last for millions of years. It’s going to get into the water and the food chains. Radioactive waste will induce epidemics of cancer, leukemia, and genetic disease for the rest of time. This is the greatest public health hazard that the world has ever witnessed, apart from the threat, every day, of nuclear war.

Einstein said that the splitting of the atom changed everything to save man’s mode of thinking. Very profound…

We are arrogant. We have a lot of hubris. And, I think that the reptilian mid-brain of some men brains is pathological. We are now in a situation where we have harnessed the energy of the sun. It is totally out of control. And, there is simply nothing we can do about it.”

Prepare for a "Rood Awakening!"
Biblical Scholar Michael Rood Cracked Zechariah's Code

 Yet: even as devastating in the long term to life on Planet Earth as this nuclear radiation crisis eminating from Fukushima Japan Lukes to be, a far more significant Nuclear catastrophe may well be on the horizon, as the Global Thermonuclear War forseen a long, long time ago by the Prophet Zechariah may soon be UN-leashed by the globalists whose plot to gain total control over mankind would require a series of Three World Wars. With the last of these Three Wars being designed to be fought between the Muslims, and the Jews/Christians how much longer shall it be before Albert Pike's, and Giuseppe Mazzini's twisted dream of the Phoenix of the New World Order rises from the ashes of a War that kills one third of all mankind be?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Candidate Obama Declares War against himself: Pledges he is now against Fraud and Manipulation

Candidate Obama Declares War against himself! Pledges to "Root Out Fraud and Manipulation" as he kicks off re-election fundraising campaign

Daniyel Key
Survival Key Info
April 22, 2011

LOS ANGELES--- Candidate Barack Obama on Thursday announced that his Ministry of Justice will try to "root out" cases of "fraud or manipulation" in the global oil markets, while Attorney General Eric Holder admitted that a wide variety of reasons (as in have a clue card Mr. President the U.S. Dollar is crashing, the Saudi's are spooked by your Middle East gambit and have lowered their production while courting China as her new suitor. Meanwhile Brent Crude futures are nearly $124 a Barrel, and it's not exactly Top Seek Wit that the global elite have already admitted it's going to over $200 a Barrel ) may be lurking behind gasoline's surge to $4 a gallon. While Big Oil contributions to Obama's 2008 Campaign totalled at least $902,000 during the 2008 election cycle, he is now speaking harshly while carrying a soft reed against Big Oil Corporations:

"We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain," Obama said at a town-hall style meeting at a renewable energy plant in Reno, Nevada.

MASTER CLASS THEATRE: Government Sachs/Government Electric CEO Obama pledges to save the working class from the evils of "Price Gougers, Traders, and Speculators!"

Perhaps Obama is Clueless about the agenda of Duh New World Order, if so could someone in the NSA, or Homeland Security please bring him up to speed by sending him da link 2 this video? Because EYE Bee leave DAT he must know, what we NOAH about Duh New World Odor: Verily It Stinketh 2 Hi Heaven!!!

These are the "Good Ole' Days!" Enjoy $4 Gas while it lasts. The "Glow Ball Elite" have been plotting since the 1970's to drastically raise oil prices in order to implode the global economy as a pretext to ushering in their twisted vision of a New World Order of total tyranny!

Candidate Obama made his remarks while in the midst of four fundraising events in California on Thursday — one in San Francisco and three in Los Angeles. Part of six fundraisers during his three-day West Coast trip, at tax-payer expense targeting big money donors and young people who are predominately still clueless that Obama is continuing to manipulate the American people via fraud as his re-election campaign could well set new fundraising records.

"This is going to just as hard, if not harder, than 2008," Obama stated concerning his re-election bid during a fundraiser at Sony Pictures Studios.

With his focus clearly now on his political survival as he is already in fundraising mode for the upcoming 2012 campaign, Obama believes that he must project an image of being a man of action fighting against the international oil cartels who in reality were among of chief campaign contributors during his 2008 Presidential Campaign. This is a Grand Charade of the highest proportions as Obama is in fact totally dependent upon campaign funding by a host of international energy conglomerates such as GE, Exxon, Chevron,and BP Greased Obama's 2008 Campaign.

Here's a sampling of Obama's known energy corporate Campaign Contributions during the 2008 election cycle:

General Electric $499,130

Exxon Mobil $117,946
BP 71,051
Shell 64,661
ConocoPhillips 17,600
Marathon Oil 15,437
Hess Corp. 6,950
Anadarko Petroleum 5,800
Valero Energy 4,850
Occidental Petroleum 4,400
Sunoco, Inc. 4,209
American Gas Association 3,970

Obama declared his Unwavering concern for the American working class who now by design of the global elite are paying nearly $4 a gallon for gasoline. "at a time when things were already pretty tough," announced that Holder will be forming the Financial Fraud Enforcement Working Group. Just what America needs: another layer of bureaucracy to hunt down retail gas station "Price Gougers" to help reduce the
U.S. National Debt which now exceeds $14.3 Trillion!

Is Obama at the Vanguard of Financial Foreknowledge of the Gulf BP Oil Disaster?

The FFEWG task force will investigate "the role of traders and speculators" in this most recent oil-price surge, Obama said, and will consist of various Cabinet department officials, federal regulators and the National Association of Attorneys General who have nothing better to do than make Obama’s image more palatable to the North-American voters be they legal citizens or not.

While there’s really nothing much that Obama can do to control the global price of gasoline short of launching another “Humanitarian Kinetic Military Action” as in Libya, his awe inspiring tele-prompter image as a Crusader against “Big Oil” industry insiders, and financial market manipulation by speculators surely played well to duh masses, who bought his 2008 campaign promises hook, line and sinker.

The ObamaNation of Desolation

Obama Heckled by Liberals still wanting their promised CHANGE:

During a breakfast fundraiser in San Francisco on Thursday, Obama was treated to some audience input that he wasn't quite bargaining for.

A young lady in the crowd suddenly rose from her seat and shouted: "Mr. President, we wrote you a song," The president attempted to quiet her, but the woman and her table of donors at the St. Regis Hotel breakfast broke into song and raised protest signs that read "Free Bradley Manning"--the Army intelligence specialist accused of releasing diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. Manning has reportedly been transferred to a less restrictive prison following pressure from other human rights groups.

The protesters stated that collectively they had donated $5,000 to Obama in 2008. "We'll vote for you in 2012, yes that's true. Look at the Republicans--what else can we do?" they reportedly chanted.

"We paid our dues. Where's our change?" they sang:

Following Obama's successful mass illusion of conning duh masses that he personally spanked Goldman Sachs who contributed $994,795 to Obama’s 2008 Campaign to the tune of a $550 Million dollar fine last year, Government Sachs has now admitted they made a $3.5 Billion Profit during the 1st Quarter of 2011 Obama recently renewed his pledge to cease nearly $4 billion annually in government subsidies to oil and gas corporations "at a time when they're making record profits and you're paying near record prices at the pump. It has to stop."

Need a Tax Break?
Big Money "Bundler's" for the Bungler in Chief:
Barack Hussein Obama's Preferred Educational, and Corporate Contributors during 2008 Campaign Cycle:

University of California $1,591,395
Goldman Sachs $994,795
Harvard University $854,747
Microsoft Corp $833,617
Google Inc $803,436
Citigroup Inc $701,290
JPMorgan Chase & Co $695,132
Time Warner $590,084
Sidley Austin LLP $588,598
Stanford University $586,557
National Amusements Inc $551,683
UBS AG $543,219
Wilmerhale Llp $542,618
Skadden, Arps et al $530,839
IBM Corp $528,822
Columbia University $528,302
Morgan Stanley $514,881
General Electric $499,130
US Government $494,820
Latham & Watkins $493,835

Start Digging, Obama the Global Candidate from Iran, to Brazil, to Soros': Obama's International Campaign Donors in 2008 Cycle

Perhaps a good place for Attorney General Holder to begin his investigation would be for him to interview Pastor Lindsey Williams who revealed in October of 2010 that his globalist Big Oil insider sources had informed him that within the next 6 months that there would be a major crisis in the Middle East, and that after a nearly 2 and a half year lull in oil prices that worldwide crude oil costs would soon begin to surge upwards towards $200 a barrell.

Researcher and Journalist Jim Tucker has also revealed today that his contacts within the Bilderberg Group have informed him of the globalist's agenda to drive up the price of oil to further deplete the limited wealth of the middle, and working class peoples worldwide. Meanwhile David Rockefeller, and his mouthpiece Dr. Henry Kissinger are now Cheerleading for a wide-scale land invasion of Libya by the NATO/UN Coalition of Latter-Day Imperialism. As well as calling for the price of gasoline to skyrocket to over $7 a gallon in the U.S. as part of their twisted agenda to destroy the U.S. Dollar, and establishment of a One World Dictatorship by the end of 2012. Sometimes reality can indeed be scarier than the movie!

If Candidate Obama is sincere in his pledge to root out fraud, and manipulation in the global oil markets, then he needs to begin with his own campaign supporters the Wroth's Child's, Rockefellers, George Soros, Goldman Sachs, BP etc. etc. whose stated agenda is to cause global energy prices to skyrocket in order to destabilize the current nation state geopolitical system, destroying all paper based fiat currencies worldwide, and thus the savings of "We the Sheeple" in order to get us to embrace a New World Currency, and their twisted vision of the Fall of the Republic, and the Rise of the New World Order.

Candidate Obama if you are serious about declaring war on fraud, and manipulation perhaps you need to look into your own mirror first before you start pointing fingers at others. If you are serious about lowering energy prices for Americans than you will insist upon your assorted Big Oil contributors to begin to tap into the known oil, and natural gas reserves of the North Slope of Alaska, the Bakken Fields of the northern mid-west as well as the Stansberry fields under the Rocky Mountains. NOAH EYE AM not referring to the measly few quarts of oil in Duh "Strategic Oil Reserve" EYE AM referring to the real reserves that have more than enough volume to supply U.S. Industries, and consumers for the next 200 years. An amount that could make the U.S.A. totally self sufficient for it's energy need, and provide sufficient time for research and development to bring alternative energy sources up to speed.

Why on God's Blue Planet, Mr. President did you shut down deepwater offshore exploration in the U.S. while your Administration invested $2 Billion in Petro Brasil's Offshore Oil exploration. If you are so serious about saving American jobs is it because you have a much larger vision of both North and South America than just the good ole U.S.A.? Surely since you followed George Soros' investment advice to loan U.S. Taxpayers money to Petro Bras you realized that by your Administration's placing a ban on Deepwater drilling that the owners of these idle rigs had little choice but to now lease these rigs to Petro Bras as they develop deepwater fields that are vastly deeper than BP's doomed "Deepwater Horizon" misadventure.

The truth of the matter, which surely you are aware of Mr. Obama is that you are a key performer for your globalist masters who are hell bent on the near total deindustrialization of the United States of America. You made a Bald Faced Lie when you swore this oath of office to your Creator, as well as to the American people:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Mr. Obama if you are insincere in your oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States including our First Amendment Freedom of Speech rights, and granting the American People their Creator given rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, than you can either: Give Me Liberty, or Give me Death in a FEMA Camp for you have sold your soul to those whose age old ambition is to usher in a Global Dictatorship, a plot DAT EYE, not I foretold, a long, long time ago:

The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him
. Daniel 7:23-27

Mr President it's time to "Man Up" and stop Bull Sheeping We the People. "Woe to dim who gain the whole world and lose their souls!!!" Mr. Obama choose wisely if you would like to avoid an eternal reservation in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, it's time that you stop forcing the American people to be singing the Blues as even CNN is commenting on just how badly things are going worldwide on your watch! You must cease being the mouthpiece for those who consider themselves to be the global elite, whose well documented agenda is to destroy the soveignty of the U.S. as a pretext to a "One World" tyranny. Scripturally this ObamaNation must come to pass before Messiah יהושׁע Yahushua (Jesus of Nazareth) returns to rule Plan Neat Earth in truth, and righteousness. You may be a powerfull puppet of the Global Shot Callers for now Candidate Obama, yet Juan day soon even you will have to "tell it 2 Da Judge" concerning your fraud agianst free humanity!!!

Candidate Obama if you do not CHANGE your lying ways your eternal legacy shall be a shameful and tawdy case study into the very nature of fraud, and manipulation in High Places. Rest assured that every word you have ever uttered both while seeking,and while acting as President, as well as every action you have taken against the best interests of humanity worldwide shall be judged before אל עליון EL ELYON Da Most High on Judgment Day!!!

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19

EYE AM ALEF TAV (Alpha and Omega), Da beginning and the end. EYE will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of Da water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and EYE shall be his ELOHIM, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:6-8

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Coming 2 America: Japan's Radiation Crisis now spreading to North America Milk, and Public Drinking Water Systems

The EPA has finally released some of the radiation data it has been collecting:
  • Little Rock milk radiation – 3 times the EPA Maximum
  • Radiation in Philly Drinking Water 73% of federal drinking water standards.
  • Los Angeles milk radiation was above federal drinking water standards.
  • Radiation found in Phoenix milk was almost at the federal drinking water standard.
  • Radioactive Iodine in Boise Idaho rainwater was 130 times above Federal Drinking Water standards.
    • Radioactive Caesium was 13.66 times above federal limit for Caesium-134, 2 year half-life.
    • Radioactive Caesium was 12 times federal limit for Caesium-137, 30 year half-life.
  • Tennessee drinking water was detected with radiation slightly above 1/2 the federal maximum.
  • Radioactive Iodine has been detected in the drinking water across the entire US in the following states: California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Tennessee, Montana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, and Alabama, as well as in Canada.
  • Cesium and Tellurium were found in Boise,  Las Vegas,  Nome and Dutch Harbor, Honolulu, Kauai and Oahu, Anaheim, Riverside, San Francisco, and San Bernardino,  Jacksonville and Orlando, Salt Lake City,  Guam, and Saipan.
  • Uranium-234, with a half-life of 245,500 years has been found in Hawaii, California, and Washington.

Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk

Image of a dairy cow out standing in its field.
Radiation has reached the EPA’s maximum contaminant level in some milk samples (Royalty-free image collection via flickr)

• Unusual Reading At Chatanooga Nuclear Plant

• Milk Contamination At EPA Maximum

• Highest Levels Yet In Boise Rainwater

Radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday.
Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA, the data shows. The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of iodine-131
The cesium-137 found in milk in Vermont is the first cesium detected in milk since the Fukushima-Daichi nuclear accident occurred last month. The sample contained 1.9 picoCuries per liter of cesium-137, which falls under the same 3.0 standard.


Radiation Protection Protocols: What You Need to Know
Monday, April 18th, 2011

By Dr. Bill Deagle

This two-part video presents the analysis and solutions to the Japanese Fukushima nuclear meltdown. The situation is even worse than previously thought. After the tsunami destroyed the plant power backup of diesel generators, we need solutions to Cold Nuclear Shutdown steps. Part 2 of the presentation shows concrete personal steps for Radiation Protection Protocols with advanced medical grade nutraceuticals and technologies, as well as steps for a Cold Shutdown of Fukushima.

Watch Video Presentation Here:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Depopulation Unlimited via Depleted Uranium: U.N. Coalition Forces implement Agenda 21 under the cloak of Humanatarian Intervention in Iraq & Libya

If "war is hell" then the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons systems truly is ushering in a reign of terror upon humanity, whose legacy of cancers and unprecedented birth defects in the Balkan's, Iraq, Afghanisthan, and now Libya has a "Half-Life" estimated to be in the billions of years.

While the U.N.'s Human Rights Commision has saught to ban the use of DU in military weapons, the Vanguard of the U.N.s Coalitions Forces in Libya: The U.S. France, and the U.K. continue to use DU in their "Humanitarian Peace Keeping" Operations.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fukushima is now a Level 7 Nuclear Crisis: Joining Chernobyl as the Two Worst Nuclear Meltdown Catastrophe's on Record!

It's Official: Japan's NISA has formally declared that Fukushima is a Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale

Daniyel Key
Survival Key Info
April 11, 2011

Breaking News Tokyo Japan: The Japanese government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety and Agency has declared in a press conference covered by NHK, and other media agencies on Tuesday April 12, 2011 that they are now raising the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant emergency from a level 5 up to a level 7, or worst case scenario according to the International Nuclear Event Scale.

While the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency made the decision on Monday. It waited until Tuesday's press confernence hosted by Spokesperson Hidehiko Nishiyama to officially reveal to the world the extent of radioactive substances that have already been released from the damaged facilities which are continuing to pose a threat to human health and the environment over a wide area.

According to Nishyama while Fukushima is now officially a level 7 Nuclear Release event, the stricken Daiichi Reactors have only released approximately one tenth of the radiation levels emitted from Chernobyl. Perhaps that it because while Chernobyl was tombed inside a sand a concrete sarcophagus it continues to emit significant levels of radiation into the environment manily due to numerous cracks in the concrete resulting from several years of exposure to both the harshness of the Ukranian Winters, and the heat of their summers.

Yet Fukushima has at least Four Reactors in various stages of meltdown, combined with their use of the highly controversial, and extremely volatile Mixed Oxide or MOX Fuel that uses 7% Weapons grade Plutonium combined with Uranium at the Daiichi Nuclear Power facility. As well as the gross mismanagement of storing over 600,000 used yet still highly radioactive fuel rods many of were actually stored within their now devastated Nuclear containment domes.

The agency used the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, to gauge the level As Japan's residents were revering their dead, or missing friends and loved ones from thes massive earthquake, and resulting Tsunami of exactly one month ago, yet another powerful 7.1 aftershock hit offshore of Fukushima Japan at 5:16 pm local time causing another evacuation of the stricken nuclear plant. 

It's Aftershock Deja Vu Part Deux:

Japanese authorities issued a warning for a three feet high tsunami after today’s 7.1 earthquake, the second 7.1 or higher aftershock since last Thursday. Today's earthquake had its epicentre offshore of Fukushima prefecture. The warning was lifted after an hour.

 According to NHK at least four people are confirmed dead, while three more have been severely injured by the latest of over 900 recorded aftershocks that have persistently tramatized the Japanese citizens for the past month. 

Police and firefighters rescued three survivors, and recovered a 16 year old High School girl who had died after being trapped inside a house the result of a mudslide located in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Two additional bodies: an 84 year old Mother and her 63 year old son were recovered nearby in a home that had also been buried under the same mudslide. A 46 year old man from Ryugasaki City died after being rushed to a hospital in Ibaraki Prefecture, after he was found in a parking lot with a headwound soon after today's earthquake.

Meanwhile the "Fukushima Fifty" workers still battling to contain the ongoing nuclear emergency were ordered to evacuate the crippled reactor complex, according to TEPCO officials after today's earthquake knocked out eletrical power temporaily.  TEPCO is now reporting that power has now been restored to the Daiichi Nuclear Plant. 

“The company ordered workers to withdraw and stay in a quake-proof building,” a spokesman for the operator said. “We don’t know many workers were involved.”

With today being one full month after the catastrophic March 11th earthquake, and resulting Tsunami the official number of people who have either been confirmed dead or still missing in the aftermath of the now stands at 26,848. A number that has now increased by 4 with today's additional deaths.

The Japanese National Police Agency on Monday formerly announced that 13,130 people have so far been confirmed dead, with 8,017 fatalities in Miyagi Prefecture, 3,825 in Iwate and 1,226 in Fukushima. This figure includes deaths reported after last Thursdays 7.1 aftershock.

Here's da video of the mysterious blue light that appeared on the seaward horizon during the April 7th 7.1 magnitude aftershock that hit offshore of Sendai Japan:

Japanese authorities have now released that approximately 83 percent of the recovered bodies have been successfully identified thusfar with most already been turned over to their immediate family members.

The remaining number of people reported to still be missing by their families, or loved ones now stands at 13,718.

Three towns and cities in Miyagi Prefecture that were hardest hit by the tsunami are unable to calculate the number of missing people, as there have been no survivors to report them as missing. Progress in search operations within the current 20-kilometer evacuation zone around the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, has been understandably limited.

The National Police Agency also announced that over 145,000 people are still living in temporary evacuation facilities in over 18 prefectures around the Tohoku region.

Miyagi Prefecture residents lead the list with 52,498, followed by Iwate with 45,319 and Fukushima Prefecture with 24,809.

About 23,000 people are taking shelter in other prefectures, and most of them being forced to evacuate their homes in Fukushima Prefecture as a result of what the Japanese officials have finally admitted:

Fukushima has now officially joined Chernobyl as the only two Nuclear Radiation Emergencies to be declared to be a 7 on the INES Scale.

A look inside Da Danger Zone: Amazing Video filmed within the evacuation area surrounding Fukushima Japan:

Radiation levels caught on tape: RT talks to Fukushima Zone Invader

The Japanese government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has at last announced that they are now declaring to raise the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident from a 5 to 7, the worst on the international scale of atomic emergencies. On Monday April 11 the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency admitted that the damaged facilities have been releasing massive uncontrolled amounts of radioactive substances, which are posing a widespread threat to human health and the environment.

The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, was developed to gauge the actual threat level of Nuclear Power Plant meltdowns and other leaks of radioactive particles into the environment. The scale was designed by an international group of experts to indicate the significance of nuclear events with ratings of 0 to 7, with a 7 posing the worst possible threat to the global environment.

On March 18th, one week after the massive quake, the agency declared the Fukushima trouble a level 5 incident, the same as the accident at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979.

Since we are now living in the age of YouTube, and not confined to the spin of the corporate controlled mass media such as Containment News Network (CNN) regular viewers of Da New Sees World Report, and a host of additional alternative media sources have been skeptical to say the least that this current international crisis was comparable to the relatively tame radioactive fart that was Three Mile Island.

See Da New Seas Report from March 18th 2011:

 What the Media is Not Showing and Telling You about Fukushima: Why Japan's Nuclear Crisis may already be the World's Worst Nuclear Meltdown Disaster!

There has previously only been one other formal declaration of a INES Scale Level 7 nuclear emergency, that being the infamous Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986 when hundreds of thousands of terabecquerels of radioactive iodine-131 were released into the air.

Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agencies spin Du Jour is that the cumulative amount from the Fukushima plant is less than that from Chernobyl. The fact that the greatest volume of radiation released thusfar is now floating Northeastward in the North Pacific Current, and not settling upon Tokyo due to the seasonal offshore wind patterns in Northern Honshu Island has given the Nuclear Safety Agency the confidence to continue to not reveal the actual extent of our World's Worst Nuclear Crisis ever.

Officials from the agency and the Nuclear Safety Commission will hold a news conference on Tuesday morning to explain the change of evaluation. Stay tuned: It promises to be as full of truth as was Barack Obama's Speech where he told the American people:

"I believe that you must know what I knows as President!"

Please give this video a few seconds to start. Eye promise it's worth it!

Amazing images in the aftermath of March 11th's massive Tsunami:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

BP Times 3 Cubed: Gulf Blue Plague a Coming Man Made Synthetic Biological Pandemic of Biblical Proportions

BP Times 3 Cubed: Gulf Blue Plague, a Coming Man Made Synthetic Biological Pandemic of Biblical Proportions


By Michael Edward
The World Vision Portal

It’s not wise to fool Mother Nature. Those who think they can get away with it will abruptly learn that payback can be more than they bargained for. That’s because nature will always retaliate in subtle retorts that shake the very foundations of this earth as well as life itself. Playing the role of Creator is a very dangerous game.

As part of their new logo and corporate image campaign, British Petroleum (BP) wants the public to think of them as their new slogan says, “Beyond Petroleum”. BP is far more than a simple oil company. What is revealed below regarding BP and their ‘beyond petroleum’ activities, both prior to and including their Gulf of Mexico catastrophe, will create a picture for the reader one pixel dot at a time. Once the person who reads everything presented here connects all the dots of the picture, it will be more than obvious that BP has tried to fool Mother Nature… and she’s retaliating with a vengeance that is affecting the entire world. This is a perilous game that has now gotten out of control. What began in the Gulf of Mexico, in February 2010, has now escalated into a man-made biological nightmare of unknown proportions.


On June 13, 2007, BP made a long-term research and development deal and an undisclosed equity investment into a company named Synthetic Genomics Inc. based in Rockville, Maryland. Synthetic Genomics was co-founded by Dr. J. Craig Venter to commercialize genomic-driven technologies. (1) Genomics is the scientific study of the entire DNA sequence of an organism's genome. A genome is all the genetic information in the chromosomes of an organism, including its genes and DNA sequences.

BP/Synthetic Genomics recovered the DNA from subsurface hydrocarbon substrates (biological organisms in crude oil) and applied DNA “sequencing methods” to them. (1) What this means is that they took the DNA from underground crude oil reservoir microbial cells, such as bacteria or viruses, and cultured them in a lab to identify, isolate, and interpret their chemical and genetic properties. Additional “sequencing methods” beyond the initial identity and isolation stages were also carried out.

A central part of the deal between BP and Synthetic Genomics was to create biological transfer processes for crude oil that would lead to improved recovery rates. (1) Their goal was to develop new microbes with lab created genomes that would improve the flow of gas and oil out of a reservoir. For an oil producer like BP, more oil and gas being recovered from a source translates into more profits. This process is known as Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR).


Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) is the use of micro-organisms to retrieve additional petroleum production from an oil reservoir. Micro-organisms are introduced into oil wells to produce by-products which help propel oil out of the well. Because these processes help to mobilize the oil and assist oil flow, they allow a greater amount to be recovered from the well. (2)

MEOR is a direct application of biotechnology. It uses biological materials - such as bacteria, microorganisms, and products of their metabolism - to assist the movement of oil out of a well. Other applications include genetic engineering techniques and recombinant DNA technology, which are used to develop new strains of bacteria with improved oil recovery traits. (3)

The micro-organisms can be applied to an entire oil reservoir where they grow between the oil and the well's rock surface to enhance oil recovery in the following ways:

Bio-surfactant Production – Microorganisms produce slippery substances called surfactants as they breakdown oil. Because they are naturally produced by biological microorganisms, they are referred to as bio-surfactants. Bio-surfactants act like slippery detergents, helping the oil move more freely away from rocks and crevices.

Reduction of oil viscosity – Oil is a thick fluid that is quite viscous, meaning that it does not flow easily. Microorganisms help break down the molecular structure of crude oil, making it more fluid and easier to recover.

Production of carbon dioxide gas – As a by-product of metabolism, micro-organisms produce carbon dioxide gas. Over time, this gas accumulates and displaces the oil driving it up and out of the ground. (3)


The BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance was centered on developing new micro-organisms with lab created genomes (synthetic DNA) to improve the outflow of gas and oil reservoirs. That alliance was publicly announced on June 13, 2007. As to what prior date the actual agreement was made is a corporate privacy matter.

However, less than two weeks before the public announcement, on May 31, 2007, US Patent application number 20070122826 was published claiming exclusive ownership of a set of essential genes and a synthetic "free-living organism that can grow and replicate" that is made using those genes. An international patent application at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO number WO2007047148, published April 27, 2007) names more than 100 countries where it may seek monopoly patents. (4)

The company that applied for the patents was the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a non-profit company founded by genetic scientist J. Craig Venter who also founded Synthetic Genomics, BP’s business alliance partner. Both are based in Rockville, Maryland. By no mere coincidence, Synthetic Genomics Inc. sponsors (pays for) fundamental research at JCVI. (1) Since BP has a developmental and research deal as well as an undisclosed amount of equitable stock ownership with Synthetic Genomics, it’s obvious who’s paying for the synthetic genetic research and results at JCVI.

Begin connecting the dots in order to see the picture.


Since they were paying for genetic research to increase oil well flow and production, logic dictates that BP needed to apply a newly created micro-organism(s) produced by their alliance with Synthetic Genomics to the oil reservoir located beneath their Mississippi Canyon Block 252 lease in the Gulf of Mexico. According to BP’s submitted U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) application, there were to be two exploration (not production) wells drilled and capped designated as Wells A and B. Exploration wells are commonly used to inject or introduce Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery micro-organisms and their nutrients into an oil reservoir for increased present and future production.

The first exploration well had been partially drilled by Transocean in October, 2009, but their Marianas semi-submersible drilling rig was damaged by hurricane Ida and was removed for repairs in late November, 2009. On February 3, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible rig commenced exploration drilling to complete the unfinished drilling operation of the Marianas rig. On February 13, 2010, BP informed the MMS that they were experiencing uncontrollable bursts of gas and large cracks at the base of the well. That was the reason they filed for and were granted a permit to abandon and cap the well the same day. (6)

Shortly after, Deepwater Horizon commenced drilling the other exploratory well for BP. We all know the result of the second drilling operation that destroyed the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 22, 2010. One fact that can’t be refuted regarding both exploratory wells is the extreme gas pressures coming from the oil reservoir and the resulting cracks on the ocean floor.

As noted above, MEOR micro-organisms can be applied to an oil reservoir where they grow between the oil and the well’s rock surface to enhance oil recovery. As a by-product of metabolism, micro-organisms produce carbon dioxide gas and this gas accumulates and displaces the oil by driving it up and out of the ground. At the same time, micro-organisms can break down the viscosity of the oil so that it’s thinner and can flow easier.

The published commercial goal of the BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance was to create new genetically engineered micro-organisms to increase the flow of oil. A public trademark of that research involves man-made genomes [synthetic DNA] controlling new artificial cellular organisms. Because of the vast estimated reserves of oil at MC252 in the Gulf of Mexico, the temperatures involved, and its extreme low oxygen depth, previous known or lab enhanced micro-organisms would not be effective in creating an increased flow of the oil.

One can only imagine what the results would be of a new MEOR synthetic bacteria that had a computer DNA designed capability to replicate itself rapidly in that extreme environment. The outcome would be unpredictable since it had never been tested in those conditions before… or had it?

Connect the dots to see more of the picture.


In 2003, JCVI successfully synthesized a small virus that infects bacteria. By 2008, the JCVI team was able to synthesize a small bacterial genome. On May 6, 2010, JCVI revealed they had already created a self-replicating bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome they named “synthetic Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0”. (7) This completely synthetic cell with its computer designed genome has absolutely no natural DNA. (1) The etc group from Canada named it Synthia and it contains added watermark chains to identify the genome as artificial. It also has antibiotic resistance indicators. (7) One can only speculate why this artificial bacterium has an inherent programmed capability to resist antibiotics.

This new life form has the ability to replicate itself and organically function in any cell into which it has been introduced. Its DNA is artificial and it’s this synthetic DNA that takes control of the cell and is credited with being the building block of life. This is the first self-replicating synthetic bacterial cell thanks to its computer generated DNA. All of the funding for this came from Synthetic Genomics Inc (1), the company BP has a sizable equity position and alliance with. BP is definitely way beyond petroleum just as their new slogan publicizes.

Why watermark this artificial genome? Doing so makes it identifiable as the unique and patented (privately owned) asset it is. What happens if a human becomes infected with a life-threatening variant bacterial species of Synthia? If you use Penicillin to fight the infection, it won’t do any good. Antibiotic resistance is part of its DNA sequence, so any use of antibiotics would be a waste of time.

What would happen if mankind is contaminated by this self-reproducing artificial life form by contact or by breathing it? Would we become subjective to the DNA of the synthetic cells flowing throughout our bodies? Would the Synthia cells combine with other bacterium within us to create a new deadly bacterium? Since the micro-organism is created and gets its programming from computers, would we become subject to artificial electro-magnetic frequencies recognized by these genomes? There are a lot of questions that need to yet be answered. What matters most is this: Will we find out those answers in time?

Keep connecting the dots. The picture is starting to take shape now.


The oil is there deep in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s not going anywhere soon. It has a continual supply. There are no plumes of oil. There are deep lakes of it.

In a True News radio interview with Rick Wells on June 28, 2010, the late oil industry expert, Matt Simmons, stated “BP claimed to have the only technology to deal with this” when asked why the U.S. government wasn’t taking over the Gulf oil crisis. (8) Considering their three year alliance with Synthetic Genomics and the genetic creations they’ve made, it’s very possible that the U.S. federal corporation in DC was convinced that BP’s breakthrough genomic technologies were the better gambling odds. There had never been so large an amount of crude oil to deal with before.

For decades, scientists have eagerly pursued genetic modifications that would enhance natural microbial abilities to eat up oil spills on both land and sea. Even with DNA recombinants and bacterial gene splicing, there has been little positive success with improving on nature’s natural oil eaters. Although his announcement silently slipped past the ears of news reporters from around the world, JCVI and Synthetic Genome founder Craig Venter foretold of - and spoke openly of - just such an application on May 15, 2010 during the public announcement of what the press is now calling Synthia. He was referring to a Synthia based synthetic bacterial cell that would consume hydrocarbons more efficiently than any known natural micro-organism.

It’s worthy to note that one of the first patents on a genetically engineered organism was a hydrocarbon-eating microbe in 1980. Called the "oil eater," the microorganism was actually a naturally occurring bacterium that had been given four rings of DNA that were also naturally occurring. This gave the bacterium the ability to degrade four components of crude oil. (10)

Scientifically, there have always been problems with trying to take command of natural micro-organisms. They are too unpredictable in diverse environmental conditions. While they do their job well in certain conditions, they can become dormant in other ecological surroundings. Marine chemist Chris Reddy of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said that microbes are a lot like teenagers because they’re hard to control. (5) In contrast, artificial microbial life forms like Synthia are completely controlled by their computer created DNA programming.

Microbial ecologist Kenneth Lee says that only microbes can remove the oil from the ocean and that bio-degradation is what removes most of the oil from the environment. History proves his statements are correct, but the time involved can span many decades and beyond. We don’t have that much time to deal with the oil in the Gulf.

Scientific American says “The last and only defense against the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is tiny-billions of hydrocarbon-chewing microbes. In fact, the primary motive for using the more than 830,000 gallons of chemical dispersants on the oil slick both above and below the surface of the sea is to break the oil into smaller droplets that bacteria can more easily consume”. (5)

If there was only a super-high-efficient-micro-organism available that could do the job much faster and more efficiently (wink, wink).

Just a few more dots to connect and you’ll see the whole picture.


It’s been puzzling to understand why BP has chosen to continually spray dispersants such as Corexit from airplanes and boats day and night since early May 2010. The spraying hasn’t just been over the Gulf, but along the coastlines as well. While it’s claimed that Corexit disperses oil by breaking it into smaller pieces, can this be the only reason for all this spraying?

In recent tests of rainwater originating from the Gulf of Mexico, natural mineral elements such as copper and iron were found along with nickel, aluminum, and manganese. (9) That’s very unusual for rain clouds originating from a saline ocean. The only logical explanation is that such elements were introduced to the Gulf water where they were drawn up by the rain clouds. The only way that could have happened is from aerial and surface spraying and/or below surface injection.

Are these ingredients of Corexit? Not according to Nalco, the manufacturer. Then these natural earth elements must be added to what is being sprayed along with Corexit, but why? What benefit is there to add elements like copper or iron to seawater? After all, these are natural elements and nutrients you would add to soil to make plants grow, so why add them to sea water?

Bacteria thrive in rich nutrient environments. Natural minerals are necessary building blocks for nutrients that bacteria thrive on. Think of it as hydro-fertilizing the Gulf to make it a better nutritional medium for hungry oil-eating bacterium. The so-called “dispersants” are not only breaking down the crude oil into smaller pieces, they’re adding needed enhancement minerals so that the bacterium can multiply more rapidly and eat up the oil faster. Such bacteria are called Bioremediators.

The dots are forming a big picture. You’re almost there.


The only ingredient missing is a new and previously unknown genus of hydrocarbon-eating bacteria that can survive the cold water depths - where the lakes of oil and tar now sit - so it could degrade it faster than any known natural bacteria.

In a paper published in the journal Science, Terry Hazen and his colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discovered in late May through early June 2010 that a previously unknown species of cold-water hydrocarbon-eating bacteria have been feasting on the underwater oil plumes degrading them at accelerated rates. (11)

We can now understand why, on May 15, BP/Synthetic Genome’s CEO Craig Venter hinted of a new hydrocarbon-eating synthetic genome. Prior to that date, JCVI had already applied for numerous additional patents (we were able to find seven) regarding synthetic bio-remediation, such as bacteria synthetic genomes which provide unique DNA information required for “replication of a free-living organism”. In layman’s terms, this means the BP and Synthetic Genome scientists had already created self-replicating bacteria “wherein the assembled DNA molecule is a [synthetic] genome” back in 2007. (13)

Just a few more connecting dots and the picture will be complete.


As I stated on WVP Radio during our premiere broadcast in August, there won’t be any hurricanes entering into the Gulf of Mexico this year. (14) There haven’t been and there won’t be. Otherwise, both the hurricanes and the jet stream will send the synthetic bacteria all around the world.

Image Credit: as of December 1, 2010)

They have to isolate their biologically created nightmare until they can either find a way to control it or create a synthetic genome microbial vaccine to neutralize its effects. Could that have been their plan all along?

On October 7, 2010, Synthetic Genomics Inc. [the BP equity investment company] and JCVI announced the formation of a new company, Synthetic Genomics Vaccines Inc. (SGVI). The privately held company will focus on developing next generation vaccines using JCVI's genomic sequencing and synthetic genomic expertise, coupled with the intellectual property and business acumen of Synthetic Genomics Inc., to significantly advance and enhance vaccine development. (15)

How amazing that the BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance now has its own vaccine company for patented immunizations. But at what cost to humanity? It’s very profitable to not only create synthetic bacteria but to also offer a vaccine in case there are any problems. When you create the bacteria and control its DNA, you also know how to shut it down. Surely, BP is far Beyond Petroleum.

“We are excited to apply our advanced synthetic genomics technologies to revolutionize vaccine production" said Fernanda Gandara, President of SGVI. (15) Yes Fernanda, I’m sure you and BP are very excited.


The ETC Group is an international civil society organization based in Ottawa, Canada. They recently stated in a press release that

"Synthetic biology is a high-risk profit-driven field, building organisms out of parts that are still poorly understood. We know that lab-created life-forms can escape, become biological weapons, and that their use threatens existing natural biodiversity. Most worrying of all, Craig Venter is handing this powerful technology to the world’s most irresponsible and environmentally damaging industry by partnering with the likes of BP and Exxon to hasten the commercialization of synthetic life-forms."(12)

Now we have scientific confirmation of “a previously unknown species of cold-water hydrocarbon-eating bacteria” gobbling up oil in the Gulf. (11)

Nothing is known about how this new synthetic bio-remediation bacterium in the Gulf reacts with mankind. This is virgin and uncharted territory. We already know how sea mammals such as whales and porpoises have reacted. Those who haven’t escaped the affected areas of the Gulf have died… along with all other marine life and coastal vegetation. While human health effects from crude oil exposure are well known, the effects of dispersants containing oil-eating artificial bacteria are not known. It’s never been done before, let alone at the immense scale of operations now taking place.

There’s a reason the so-called “dispersants” are guarded by weapon-yielding soldiers and local armed law enforcement in warehouses and deployment yards along the Gulf coast. If a sample were to be analyzed by knowledgeable people, the biological and chemical anomalies it contains would be made public, right down to the unique DNA signature. BP keeps allowing their sorcerer’s brew to be called Corexit in order to hide the fact that it’s not just the name brand product any longer.

The physical symptoms of the BP Flu, BP Crud, Blue Flu, or whatever name you choose to call it, are as unique as the synthetic bacteria being used in the Gulf. Since mankind is carbon based, how do these synthetically created hydrogen and carbon hungry bacteria react to human flesh? Internal bleeding as well as ulcerating skin lesions are the physical signs of their computer created DNA signature.

BP and their paid minions have released a synthetic biological plague in the Gulf of Mexico and it’s out of control. The entire world is a victim of their greed and foolishness. By playing the role of creator, they have begun a very dangerous game with infinite repercussions for life as we know it.

Those who have permitted and agreed to this cover-up are just as responsible as BP. Those of us living on the Gulf coast must demand from every politician and government agency, from the national to the local level, an explanation as to why they allowed this to happen and why they are allowing it to continue. They are all responsible for lying to us and for covering up the truth.

Have you connected all the dots?

Do you see the complete picture now?

Colonies of the synthetic transformed bacterium

The Gulf Blue Plague Has Evolved


(1) Synthetic Genomics, Inc.; ;;
(2) Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery; Zinan Li’s Blog. Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery; BioBasics. The etc group, Canada. Scientific American; May 25, 2010. Rigzone; April 27, 2010,
(7) National Institutes of Health; National Center for Biotechnology Information. True News Radio Broadcast, June 28, 2010, Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana, Genetically Modified Bioremediators, Duke University, Duke Environment, The etc group, Canada, US Patent & Trademark Office, World Vision Portal, WVP Radio,;
*This article may be reproduced in part or in its entirety provided the source is displayed as the World Vision Portal along with the internet link provided beneath the title. International Common Law Copy Rights by Michael Edward and the World Vision Portal at

Scientists issue urgent world-wide warning on bacteria with superbug gene

S.L. Baker
Friday, April 08, 2011
(NaturalNews) Nuclear meltdowns. Oil spills. More strife in Africa and the Middle East. GMO tainted crops. So what else could happen? Unfortunately, another problem has surfaced that has scientists calling for the "urgent need for global action". This time, it's worrisome news about a gene that turns bacteria into not just superbugs -- but SUPER superbugs.

Bottom line: this gene (dubbed the New Delhi metallo-s-lactamase 1 gene, NDM-1, for short) enables bacteria to resist virtually any and perhaps all antibiotics.

These multidrug-resistant bacteria have been found in public water supplies and urban effluent in New Delhi. But this isn't a problem limited to India. While researchers writing in the latest issue of the journal Lancet say the findings in India pose the worrisome possibility that NDM-1 is widespread in the environment of that country, there are plenty of reasons to be concerned the bacteria could be spreading to other parts of the planet.

Mohd Shahid from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital in Uttar Pradesh, India, warns in an accompanying article that the potential for the global spread of bacteria with the super dangerous NDM-1 gene ".. is real and should not be ignored...coordinated, concrete, and collective efforts are needed, initially to limit their widespread dissemination, and finally to combat this emerging threatening resistance problem."

For the new study, Timothy Walsh from Cardiff University in the UK and his research team, in collaboration with reporters from Channel 4 television, investigated how common NDM-1-producing bacteria are in community waste seepage (water pools in streets or rivulets) and public tap water in urban New Delhi. Using a variety of sophisticated tests, including DNA probing, the researchers checked for the presence of the NDM-1 gene in bacteria found in the water samples.

The results? The NDM-1 gene was found in 2 of the 50 drinking-water samples and 51 of 171 seepage samples. NDM-1 positive bacteria were grown from 2 drinking-water samples and 12 seepage samples. And there was a surprise -- the gene was found in 20 bacterial isolates comprising 14 different species, including 11 species in which NDM-1 has not been previously reported. What's more, the researchers reported in a media statement that it is particularly worrisome that the superbug-causing gene has spread to extremely pathogenic species of bacteria, including Shigella boydii and Vibrio cholerae, which cause dysentery and cholera, respectively.

That means bacteria that can already make people extremely sick and even kill are now turning up with a gene that makes those disease-causing germs even more dangerous because it makes them "bullet proof" from antibiotics.


The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Iodine offers a serious and potent replacement for much of the antibiotics that are literally destroying people's lives and can be used safely with children. Parents, who chose not to dose their kids with dangerous vaccines will be glad to know that iodine can be very effective against a host of viral infections that medical officials insist threaten children.

Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds, its use as an antibiotic has been ignored. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time - Dr. David Derry

Dr. Derry says that iodine is effective "for standard pathogens such as Staphylococcus, but also iodine has the broadest range of action, fewest side effects and no development of bacterial resistance." There is a world of difference between using an antibiotic – anti-life substance – and an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal substance like iodine, which is life serving because it is a basic and most necessary nutritional substance.

Iodine kills single celled organisms by combining with the amino acids tyrosine or histidine when they are exposed to the extra-cellular environment. All single cells showing tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed instantly by a simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics can't.


Gulf of Mexico Legal Biological Military Operation from The Living Light Network on Vimeo.